Thursday, June 10, 2010


Today I went to watch A-TEAM!!!!!!!! I have not watched any trailer on screen before... Just saw the poster everytime I passed by the MBO cinema.. And today was the sneak peak!!! And this movie was turned out to be awesome!!! Lots of actions and it was damn hilarious!!! for me la.. hehehe..

another movie recommendation for those who are in a-month-long holidays like me or who needs to release tension. No regrets for u to watch it. XD

well, when I was on the way to watch A-Team. I was nearly involved in an car accident!! my dad was driving STRAIGHT on the road, but then the driver which was on other lane suddenly came out from his lane. That stupid driver dint even see the Side mirror and signal or whatever before he wanna went to the other side. My dad with his super driving technique, turned the steering wheel to the other side and sounded the horn to that guy. I think that time the distance between my car and the other one is not more than 5 cm not very sure i just wanna say it was fucking close, if that guy hit my car i will punch his face kick his ass, break his bones....... in my mind and sure my dad said foul words to him, " FUCKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK!!! and stared him with his wild eyes.. well, i seldom support my dad to be aggresive, except this time. If that car hit my just-bought-a-few-month-cute-little-Elite-Viva, my dad sure will go down the car and punch him.

I believe God is beside my family and watching me at that time, thats why we are safe now.

PHEW........... anyway,I'm glad that nothing had happend. otherwise, I cant watch A-Team happily and laughing like what........... PEACE. =)