Sunday, May 30, 2010

I watched it too!!

Finally......... I watched the movie "SHREK FOREVER AFTER" with my parents yesterday... Actually I should be watching with my friends Sim Yian Juang and Malvin Tan....... But then tat Juang got some problem and put me aeroplane... Then I have to break promise with Malvin too... I rushed my packing at that time because I hoped to watch this movie with my friends... Then... it was really "sayang".... Cartoon is better to be watched with my friends.. I pity my parents were forced by me to watch with me.. Actually I had given a very strong signal to Malvin that I would like him to watch with me in Kuching wished to invite him to watch with me in Kuching but he told me that Kuching's ticket is expensive, so I thought he did not have interest.. so I did not ask him lo... ok, never mind.. XD

Although I had never watched the episode 1,2 , and 3, I went to watch the final chapter @_@ I even asked my teacher could I watch this movie even if I had never watched the others episode before.. And I think it should be a nice movie coz even a 36 30 something year-old young ??? man likes it. hiak hiak hiak..

Ahha... I kinda like this movie... Cause besides of the hillarious and kawaii of the movie, it conveyed some lesson to me.. such as" U already got what u want, but u never see it.." Yup Shrek has got his friends and his family, yet he did not treasure it... He wanted to dump all the treasures away and be somehow aggressive and to be hated by people again... @_@ strange huh.. But human always behave like that too..

My tears even roll down when Shrek talked to his wife," Do you know what is the best part of the day? I am able to fall in love with you all over again.."

When Shrek back to the past and met his wife, his wife did not know him at all.. And Shrek has to start over again to chase his wife... Thats why " To fall in love with you all over again" Awwwwwwwwwww... Sweet... this greeny ogre..

However, there are some characters that seem like so outstanding, such as............ OMG I LOVE HIM PUSS IN THE BOOTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! he looked so cool in the movie.. but in the past, he used to be a very fat and chubby cat that manja-manja by the princess.. LOL.. I love the part which that PUSS hold the pole and slided down.. and the WATERY EYES... as below:

ok, friends.. i wished u guys have the chance to watch this movie too!!!!!!!!!! I hoped I could watch the episode before too!!!!!!!! especially the episode that got Mr Puss!!!!!!!! Teehee~~