There is something that I need to blog about, since it has been such a long time I don't update my blog. Sometimes when i have the mood to blog, the celcom broadband or the school wireless is not working well. Well, what can I say. This is what we call "life".. We can't always get what we want.
Firstly, I got number ONE for semester 2!!! UP UP! Actually I had a hard life during semester 2 and seldom studied. But I did put an effort in assignments. Most of the time, group work become individual work. Anyway this is totally out of my expectation. The GPA for semester 2 is 3.74, compared to semester one which is only 3.47. This can prove that maktab students depend on assignments' marks to survive. Sigh. I know this result happens once in a blue moon. I will cherish it. The semester 3 I will have to take MUET. I think I will concentrate in improving my English if can. Coz you cant retake the test right? Sure want to achieve as higher band as I can. Band 4 and above.
Secondly, I met many lecturers who like to fuss over trivial things for this semester. I am pretty detest these kind of situation. I am always thinking of "why they just cant make our lives easier?" Arrrgghh.. A pile of useless works are needed to be done.
Lastly, this semester can be either challenging ( MUET) or mundane (repetition of life). Just wanna to end this semester faster. I am bored with the foundation course. This does not mean that I anticipate the degree course. I think the situation wont get better since Science and Mathematics are now teaching in Malay. No comment. Any comment would be vain. I just think that the education system is disoriented. "They" are ambivalent and dilemma most of the time. Teachers and students are akin dolls. They can change the policy easily and we just follow blindly.
Now is 3.40am. Luckily tomorrow no class. But I will surely woke up by the chit chatting and laughing of a bunch of girls. Time to log out. Night.
6 months ago
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